Thursday, 1 January 2009

New Year Hopes

Can't believe it! 2009 already!

Last night just before the clock struck twelve we were discussing our hopes and dreams for the year ahead. I couldn't really think of anything which was really weird for me as usually have I loads. Recently though I believe God has been shaping me and teaching me to trust more in Him. I now refuse to make too many plans. These days I prefer the excitement of not knowing.

This year I don't want security in fact I would be pleased if this year things were constantly changing in my life.

This year I am going to live adventurously. FACT.

I have always loved and embraced change. I think change is important for people. I want to be constantly open to new people, new ideas, new opinions and a changing world.

I think I may have to change a few things this year. Spontaneity is the key yet I have just looked at my diary, its nearly full and we are only on the 1st of January. Great. This is not a good sign.

Busy-ness is not my friend. I really don't like it. To a certain degree it is good but when you have to schedule in times to meet up with friends in a regimented fashion you know you have to cut some things out. This year I think I will have to do that.

Last term I was too busy. If I wasn't running from one meeting to the next, organising endless youth events, going to classes, writing essays, meeting up with people, going for numerous hospital appointments, paying excessive library fines or studying for exams I was slumped on the couch feeling absolutely shattered and wondering what the point was.

This year I need time to be myself. I need time to do what I want. I need time to not be scheduled, I need time to go to random places, I need time to hang out with my best friends, I need time to relax, I need time to reflect, I need time to be creative, I need time to explore new things.

Things need to change this year. Things will change this year I just have to let go.

This year my time will be spent on serving God. Serving God doesn't need to be scheduled. I think for me anyway I serve God best when I have one or two main organised priorities surrounded by a lot of free time. I don't want to have to schedule friends in to my diary. Friendship is worth more than that. It cannot grow from a half hour coffee meeting twice a week. Frienship has to be nurtured and protected. It has to be spontaneous. I need to be available the majority of the time for people who need my help, want to chat, need advice etc.

God has challenged me on this lately.

My first priority needs to be God, I need to examine m heart in everything I do. Sometimes our service to God can be detrimental to our relationship with Him. I heard it said once that 'our problem is not that we take refuge from action in spiritual things, but that we take refuge from spiritual things in action.'

I don't want to be distracted by my 'service' to God that I neglect my relationship with HIm. I want my relationship with him to naturally induce the service. I need an undivided heart that seeks only God,

'Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart.' Psalm 86:11

Faith and works come hand in hand. We cannot have one without the other.

Superficiality is crippling the church. Today so many Christians have sold out to busy Christianity and have said to themselves that it is discipleship even though it is so superficial. We must be aware.

This year I will learn to say 'No'. This is my only new years resolution.

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